Convergence insufficiency exercises for kids LEARN MORE: Vision Therapy for Children Vision therapy involves eye exercises along with the use of specialized lenses, prisms and other therapeutic tools to strengthen the visual system in order to help you feel better! Vision therapy is effective for both children and adults, and is commonly prescribed for the following conditions: Convergence insufficiency (CI) Lazy eye Convergence Insufficiency 1!! Convergence Insufficiency This material will help you understand convergence insufficiency and how it is treated. Convergence Insufficiency Exercises. This is a highly treatable binocular vision condition that affects near vision and eye muscle coordination. According to a study conducted by the Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial group, office-based vision therapy with home reinforcement is the most effective method for strengthening the convergence skill. The orthoptist will tell you how many weeks you should perform the exercises for as this can vary. 1097/00006324-200204000-00013. Further information If you have any questions or concerns please contact your orthoptist for advice on 0121 507 3202 For more information about convergence insufficiency please see our ‘Convergence Insufficiency’ leaflet. Therefore, you may be wondering how to treat convergence insufficiency effectively. The following exercise can be completed during commercials while watching television (approx. It includes exercises you can do in-office with a specialist and ones you can do at home to build strength and coordination. Aug 10, 2023 · Convergence Disorder or Convergence Insufficiency is a familiar problem in children. If you have not read the previous portions of the vision therapy series, it is highly advisable that you review them as they cover information that will not be re-explained here. This is called convergence. Optom Vis Sci. What is convergence? When looking at a nearby object, our eyes move close to each other. Jul 18, 2023 · Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a binocular vision disorder characterized by difficulty maintaining fusion while looking at a near target due to a tendency of the eyes to drift outwards. Oct 19, 2018 · An OT treats CI. In this study, 60 students from Zahedan University of Medical Sciences with convergence insufficiency were Eye exercises to improve convergence insufficiency Information for Patients What is convergence insufficiency (CI)? Convergence is the ability to pull both eyes in towards your nose at the same time. The main goal is to create a virtual image, allowing each eye to work separately, strengthening coordination between the eyes and improving the functionality of eye convergence. As soon as the target For this exercise, we will use convergence charts. com/s/wrckoau1vgcqkoknmpv1uxt7ot7pnzc9 This exercise helps improve the convergence of your eyes which is im A 2009 article from Thrive, Children's Hospital Boston's pediatric health blog, provides tips for parents with children needing contacts. Just blink normally during the exercise • It is a challenging exercise, but practise will make it easier. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595. Most people stay free of symptoms 1 year after stopping treatment. CI can cause blurred vision, double vision, and eyestrain. 7 Although we most often associate double vision while reading with CI, many patients with this condition will not have this complaint. When to know you need to perform convergence exercises? You have to understand if you have convergence insufficiency. Like the accommodative push-up exercise, the monocular letter chart accommodative facility exercise is also performed with each eye individually (i. A: Convergence insufficiency affects up to 1 in every 8 children, and approximately 13 percent of all school-aged students. The process the author uses to treat convergence insufficiency has been very efficient, effective and repeatable. Smooth Aug 14, 2019 · Convergence insufficiency can often be treated by practicing convergence through exercises. Dec 14, 2021 · Convergence insufficiency is a common eye muscle co-ordination problem in which the eyes have a strong tendency to drift outward (exophoria) when reading or doing close work. Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a disturbance in binocular vision with a prevalence of 3% to 6% in school children 1, 2 leading to symptoms such as headache, asthenopia, blurring, diplopia, and a possible negative impact on academic performance. This helps you to look at objects that are close to your face. Research shows that Convergence Insufficiency (CI) can affect up to 15% of all school-age children — that’s approximately 1 in 6 children! CI refers to a decreased ability to bring the eyes inwards and comfortably maintain this focus over long periods of time. It makes it hard to focus on things nearby. The article mentions that if you as a parent exhibit nervous or anxious behavior during the contact lens application, your child will pick up on this and may resist putting in the contacts or resist letting This leaflet is for patients with a condition called convergence insufficiency (CI), this can be treated by eye exercises. Convergence Insufficiency (CI) Fact Sheet 2022 1 . Patients with convergence insufficiency who carry out their exercises as instructed, should recover within four weeks, sometimes sooner. The therapist may also prescribe eye exercises the child can do at home with the parents’ supervision. Children with CI can be mislabeled as 'lazy', 'clumsy', 'poor students' and 'anxious', or even misdiagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Below is a list of activities that OT’s can utilize in therapy to support convergence skills if the child is not already receiving vision therapy. box. For convergence excess, the goal of vision therapy is to allow the eyes to easily work together. It typically involves a combination of eye exercises, such as focusing on a small object while moving it closer and farther away, and using special glasses or prisms to shift the eyes’ alignment. The weakness of convergence can occur in individuals involved with a lot of near or computer work or those who suffer from any systemic illness. Long-term effectiveness of treatments for symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children. [14] [18] [32] [33] Most patients remain symptom-free following one year after discontinuing treatment. The condition leads to the discomfort of near vision, and functional difficulties such as reading, writing, and confused attention, resulting in impaired education, poor academic performance, and task achievements Exophoria treatment focuses on improving convergence to enable proper eye alignment. Feb 16, 2023 · Eye exercises and vision therapy are often recommended for children with certain visual conditions, such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed eyes), and convergence insufficiency (difficulty focusing on nearby objects). Symptoms may include eye strain, headaches, double vision, print moving on Studies surveying the ophthalmic community have suggested that home‐based convergence exercises are the most commonly prescribed treatment for convergence insufficiency by both optometrists and ophthalmologists (Chin 1995; Scheiman 2002a; Scheiman 2005). Because the brain controls all eye movement, damage to the brain is the leading cause of convergence Smooth pen convergence exercise Page 1 What is a ‘smooth pen convergence exercise’? Smooth pen convergence exercise is an exercise for your eyes that can help to improve the symptoms of convergence insufficiency. Base-out prism glasses increase the difficulty of convergence activities; Base-in prism glasses are occasionally prescribed to temporarily align the eyes for reading, but these are not a Convergence Insufficiency. Hold a pencil, eraser end up, at eye level. related to the effort that is put in to doing the exercises - the harder you try, the quicker you will improve. Unfortunately, many children with CI go undetected, and are incorrectly labeled as lazy, spacey, clumsy, anxious— or even misdiagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia, or mild autism. Hold the pencil at a distance so the image is clear. Convergence insufficiency is a condition that causes the eyes to misalign when focused on close objects due to problems with the eyes’ muscles. Download free letter charts here: https://app. [Google Scholar] 13. Apr 12, 2017 · But to exercise convergence, the therapist must turn their favorite activity into the “Z-axis”. 17,18 Therapy procedures for The effectiveness of pencil pushups treatment for convergence insufficiency: A pilot study. This axis is the near-far axis, (referred to as the Z-axis in vision) and challenges the convergence and accommodation system. This allows our eyes to focus easily and comfortably. It incorporates fun and interactive games and exercises, making it engaging for both kids and adults. 2 In a masked study of the test's validity Mar 1, 2006 · Article. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to treat convergence insufficiency with convergence exercises. 3 The clinical examination shows receded near point of convergence, reduced positive fusional vergence, and larger exodeviation at near than at For a greater long-term reduction of convergence excess in children, vision therapy activities have been proven to be successful. You and your doctor can decide the best way to do them. A comprehensive vision therapy program includes many different eye exercises aimed to strengthen convergence skills, and pencil push-ups alone cannot treat the convergence insufficiency problem. Introduction Convergence, a crucial visual function involving the coordinated inward movement of both eyes to fuse two separate images when fixating on a nearby Convergence insufficiency is a common eye coordination problem in which the eyes drift outward when reading or doing near point work. . Convergence insufficiency is a binocular vision condition that affects near vision and eye muscle coordination. 3 The clinical examination shows receded near point of convergence, reduced positive fusional vergence, and larger exodeviation at near than at Sometimes convergence insufficiency can occur as part of certain pre-existing general health conditions. Convergence insufficiency affects up to 4 children in every class, but it can be successfully treated. Brock String Convergence Insufficiency Exercise - 2 - Disclaimer: This document contains instructions for occupational and/or physical therapy exercises developed by the University of Michigan Health System (UMHS). Optometrists may prescribe some types of eye exercises to treat CI and other eye conditions. , 2000), in particular convergence insufficiency. Read below to find out more about convergence in kids, to understand exactly what is convergence insufficiency, and how convergence plays into functional skills and learning. One eye may turn out instead of looking inward. It is perfect for a vision therapy homework. Convergence exercises can tire out the eyes and may hamper personal development due to reading difficulty. This condition occurs when the eyes are unable to effectively work together to focus on a near object. Avoidance of reading tasks is often a sign of an underlying vision deficit, with convergence insufficiency at the top of the list. Convergence Insufficiency, Blurry Vision and Reading. 5–14 Treatment Oct 27, 2022 · Treating convergence insufficiency of an unknown cause with convergence exercises has a 70–80% success rate. doi: 10. Home exercises for convergence insufficiency in children. However, these surveys were completed more than 15 years ago, and thus preceded the HTS2 Online Vision Therapy helps children with: Convergence insufficiency is an eye condition that affects how your eyes work together when you look at nearby objects. Convergence Insufficiency (CI) impacts the lives of up to 15% of all students. 1 Pencil Push-ups; 6. Convergence Insufficiency (CI) Fact Sheet . Oct 9, 2018 · Visual processing is a complex topic and convergence insufficiency is just one area. Vision therapy convergence exercises. Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a binocular vision disorder that has been reported to affect approximately 4% of school-age children in the United States. [10] 1 About Convergence Insufficiency; 2 Symptoms of CI; 3 Causes of Convergence Insufficiency; 4 Diagnosis; 5 Treatment with Convergence Exercises; 6 Convergence Exercises. Don’t give up! Are there any alternatives to convergence exercises? Generally, it is better to try and improve convergence by exercising the eye muscles. Here are some of the most effective exercises: Pencil Push-Ups. Convergence insufficiency exercises are designed to strengthen the eye muscles and improve coordination between the eyes. For those exercises such as convergence cards, stereograms and computer-based convergence exercises were introduced. Hold a pencil vertically at arm’s length, aligning it with the bridge of your nose. The symptoms of convergence Home Exercises to Improve Convergence Insufficiency Page 3 of 8 Exercises explained Convergence to a pen It is probably best to get somebody to read these instructions to you as you do the exercise. Aug 16, 2021 · The goal of this exercise is to increase and equalize the amplitude of accommodation between the two eyes. There are also computer-based exercises. One of the treatments for this condition is to perform convergence exercises with a Brock String if prescribed or recommended by your eye doctor. ) Seat yourself approximately 10-15 feet in front of the television screen. Convergence insufficiency is due to weakness in the muscles which bring the eyes in towards the nose together or can be secondary to other causes. These are basic instructions and variations on these, may be given by the Orthoptist, tailored to your needs. This means the eyes do not like to move inward toward the nose and is problematic when trying to look at a near target. Exercises 1. May 18, 2021 · How Is Convergence Insufficiency Treated? Convergence insufficiency is treated with exercises that improve convergence. 3%. Please note, this page is printable by selecting the normal print options on your computer. The specialist will perform many tests to conform the diagnosis. Children with convergence insufficiency (CI) have difficulty converging their eyes easily, and as a result, additional effort is required to focus on reading, and other near vision tasks— and to maintain focusing ability for an extended period of time. The exercise in this leaflet can be practised at home, and when performed regularly, most patients start to see improvement in symptoms quite rapidly. Vision Therapy for Convergence Insufficiency. Oct 11, 2021 · Vergence Excesses. For this exercise, we will use convergence charts. Use any of the convergence charts and place it about 50-70 cm (19-28 inches) away from you at eye level. %PDF-1. The session time is sixty minutes and should be done once or twice a week. I had a 35 year old surgeon who we treated when I was an intern. Convergence insufficiency (CI) is when the ability to pull the eyes in is weak or Aug 10, 2023 · Convergence Disorder or Convergence Insufficiency is a familiar problem in children. A Brock String is a simple Nov 13, 2019 · The problem is that especially younger children often find such exercises extremely boring, leading to compliance issues. This section explains about the exercises, prevention, and […] Jan 14, 2019 · We’ve shared much information on visual processing over the last few months. Oct 28, 2024 · Using the ADRRPs for vergence exercises could also improve symptoms, breakpoint of near point of convergence, and positive fusional vergence in patients with convergence insufficiency. This is part 8 of the vision therapy series and will focus on vergence excesses—Convergence Excess and Divergence Excess. Office exercises: Your doctor will tell you some exercises which you can do while sitting in the office. 11 In previous studies of children undergoing treatment for convergence insufficiency, it has been noted that the rate of Vision therapy (VT) exercises, which use a variety of techniques to strengthen the convergence system, are very successful in treating CI, especially for children. Aug 26, 2024 · Causes of Convergence Insufficiency. Monocular Letter Chart Accommodative Facility. But there are other exercises but you'd need the equipment from your vision therapy doctor to help. With CI, the eyes have trouble doing this. Various types of vision therapy/orthoptics are prescribed for children with symptomatic convergence insufficiency (CI). These are basic instructions; variations on these, plus how frequently and for how long exercises should be done will be advised by your orthoptist. Vision therapy is the main treatment option for CI. A: Easy to say and easy to remember, pencil push-ups are fairly well known as an exercise for convergence insufficiency. Instead of the eyes coming together (converging) to focus on objects close by, one or both eyes point outward. The study found that following a home-based computer vision therapy program and performing pencil push ups, are just not enough to treat May 15, 2005 · Convergence Insufficiency (CI) The prevalence of CI in a clinical population of children ages 6 to 18 was found to be 5. 6. 1 Most estimates of the prevalence of CI in children range from 2% to 4%, although rates of more than 10% have been reported. Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial Study Group. doi Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a problem with the way the eye moves. Though there has been impressive research conducted on the effect of orthoptic exercises in children and adolescents, 9,10 there are surprisingly few reports published on the impact of orthoptic exercises in adult patients. 4. These are the eye movements that allow the tracking skills necessary for Feb 16, 2023 · Convergence Insufficiency Therapy: This type of therapy is designed to improve the ability to focus on nearby objects, such as when reading. Published success rates for convergence insufficiency treated with convergence exercises vary between 70 to 80% depending on the patient population and study size. Causes of convergence insufficiency. This section explains about the exercises, prevention, and […] Here are 5 easy vision therapy exercises for kids you can do at home to improve eye tracking and convergence. Maze activities are great for working on sustained convergence and teaming skills. 4 Duration of doing Convergence Exercises; 7 Precautions; 8 Aug 3, 2023 · Convergence insufficiency (CI) is one of the most common binocular vision anomalies that cause difficulty in near activities [1, 2]. What is convergence insufficiency? Convergence insufficiency occurs when the eyes are unable to work together during close tasks like reading, writing, and using a computer. It interferes with the capacity to see, work or read in close distance. It is an eye teaming problem in which the eyes have a strong tendency to drift outward when reading or doing close work (exophoria at Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a disturbance in binocular vision with a prevalence of 3% to 6% in school children 1, 2 leading to symptoms such as headache, asthenopia, blurring, diplopia, and a possible negative impact on academic performance. Eye exercises will improve convergence skills by strengthening: Eye coordination; Convergence ability; Divergence ability; Switch from convergence to divergence; Please note: Exophoria may reoccur after treatment if your child’s eyes feel strained or from an Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a binocular vision disorder characterized by difficulty maintaining fusion while looking at a near target due to a tendency of the eyes to drift outwards. Convergence insufficiency is one of the most common vision conditions, as it affects as many as up to 17% of individuals (children and adults). 3 Use of Optical Illusion Cards or Stereograms; 6. Though, if certain muscles do not converge correctly muscle strain and imperfect vision result, causing pain or possibly other symptoms. These will help your eyes pull in together to see a near object. will not exercise the eye muscles. When reading or looking at computer screens, our eyes naturally converge (turn in) slightly. Dec 1, 2018 · Here are activities to improve convergence insufficiency. Who provides vision therapy. Vision therapy is a personalized treatment program that utilizes exercises that retrain the brain and eyes to work together. Sep 29, 2021 · Convergence Insufficiency. Convergence Insufficiency Is a condition where there is difficulty coordinating the eyes to focus on near objects closer than 10cm from the nose. e. Oct 3, 2023 · The data for this report are from the Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial – Attention and Reading Trial (CITT-ART), a randomized clinical trial that evaluated the effectiveness of office-based vergence/accommodative therapy on reading and attention in 310 children with symptomatic convergence insufficiency. **DISCLAIMER** I am not an optometrist, ophthalmologist or vision therapist. Feb 14, 2014 · Since the 1990s, the Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial Group (CITTG) has been studying different methods of treating CI in the course of which they developed the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS) questionnaire as a validated method of quantifying and monitoring symptoms in CI. Oct 24, 2018 · More Activities to Address Visual Insufficiency. The outcome measures were recovery from CI and the parameters vergence facility, positive fusional vergence EXERCISES FOR CORRECTING . According to an article in the Khaleej Times, convergence insufficiency may prevent people from seeing three-dimensional movies, because 3D glasses require healthy convergence and strong vision 3. Children complaining of vertigo or dizziness may have no vestibular pathology, but rather suffer from oculomotor problems including poor saccades and vergence disorders (Anoh-Tanon et al. Other notable symptoms This leaflet is for patients with a condition called convergence insufficiency (CI), this can be treated by eye exercises. This means that the exercises will help you to be able to turn your eyes towards each other and focus on nearby objects. 2 Card with Symbols/Dots/Letters; 6. Convergence insufficiency can even limit entertainment or leisure activities. 2006 Feb;124(2) :287. This keeps a clear May 3, 2021 · Methods: In a prospective crossover study 44 children aged 9 to 13 years with CI were randomized to perform either vergence exercises followed by accommodation exercises each for 6 weeks or the 2 treatment regimes in the reverse order. Many of our favorite activities can be modified just by turning them, to help strengthen the near vision system. To compare the effectiveness of pencil push-up therapy (PPT) versus office-based vision therapy in patients with convergence insufficiency. Home Exercises for Convergence Insufficiency in Children. iConverge is an app that can run on a phone, tablet, or computer that helps sufferers of convergence insufficiency and other causes of double vision get treated much faster. However, if we are unable to produce […] This leaflet is for patients with a condition called convergence insufficiency (CI), this can be treated by eye exercises. If you will recall, convergence insufficiency is the inability for one or both eye(s) to converge appropriately to a given target. 92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group Children suspected of having convergence insufficiency should be examined by an eye doctor to assess if further treatment is necessary 2. one eye will be patched). Maze Activities to Improve Convergence Skills. Your health care provider has determined that these exercises are beneficial to you based on your condition at this time. Learn how to incorporate these exercises into your daily routine effortlessly for improved eye health and symptom management. Other notable symptoms Convergence excess treatment. Aug 25, 2019 · Convergence insufficiency is most common in young adults, but it can affect people of all ages. Oct 23, 2024 · Treatment Options for Convergence Insufficiency. 2–4 Patients with CI may be asymptomatic or symptomatic. Feb 18, 2024 · Discover simple yet effective eye exercises for Convergence Insufficiency, such as Pencil Push-ups and Brock String. 32 841. The additional effort that the person with Convergence Insufficiency must expend to coordinate and process visual information from the two eyes frequently can cause a number of troubling symptoms such as eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, double vision, difficulty concentrating, loss of place and concentration while reading or doing close In convergence insufficiency, this point recedes more than 12 cm away. Depending on the child’s issues, therapy may be recommended for three months to a year. The information will assist educational professionals with understanding what CI is, how it is diagnosed, and how it should be treated. Pencil push-ups or other convergence vison therapy such as vectograms, tranaglyphs, barrel cards, eccentric circles, etc. Blur and discomfort can result from eyes that cannot properly point to a target, such as a book or computer. Convergence exercises Information for patients, relatives and carers Introduction Your orthoptist has asked you to do some simple eye exercises. Low plus lenses Specific eyeglasses may be useful in lowering the amount of muscle power required to read without causing symptoms. When the eyes converge, it means they point inward (toward the midline) to focus on something close. How do exercises work? The exercises work by using targets to train the weak eye muscles. How often do I need to do the exercises? Frequent Jun 12, 2024 · Convergence Insufficiency Exercises. Jump convergence: Jump exercise helps you to change focus from a point near you to a distant one and back Convergence Insufficiency/Vision Therapy. Commonly associated symptoms of CI include asthenopia (eye strain), diplopia, headaches, blurred vision, movement of print while reading, and difficulty with reading comprehension. The ultimate goal of VT is to improve binocular vision skills so that reading and computer use may be done without fatigue. Symptoms are generally resolved in 8-10 visits for neuro-typical children and adolescences. Somewhere between 2 and 13 percent of adults and children in the United States have it. Today we are talking about saccades and activities to improve saccades. Smooth Convergence . This convergence insufficiency (CI)fact sheet was developed to provide additional information about CI. This is frequently associated with an exodeviation, which is greater at near than distance. AmblyoPlay® is a vision therapy tool for children with lazy eye, mild strabismus, or convergence insufficiency, which is performed by playing therapeutic games and exercises every day for 30 minutes. If left untreated children often resort to avoiding close work. The symptoms of convergence insufficiency often overlap with those of ADHD and can make it hard for children to concentrate on focused reading. This leaflet is to help remind you of what you have been told in clinic. Kids who avoid reading recognize the task is hard for them, but may be unable to tell you why. 3 min. May 14, 2021 · Convergence insufficiency is a binocular visual disorder in which convergence to a near target is reduced. Mar 2, 2020 · 3. But although pencil push-ups may still be used as part of an overall vision therapy plan, there are often other, more effective (and less boring!) exercises for this vision problem. A weakness can also be made worse by a poorly controlled squint (strabismus). the day. You’ve seen tips for addressing convergence insufficiency, visual tracking concerns, and other visual skill areas. CONVERGENCE INSUFFICIENCY . Symptoms often associated with poor convergence. 2002;79:265–267. Eye tracking is important for keeping your eye Convergence Insufficiency (CI) impacts the lives of up to 15% of all students. This study stated that all children with an ADHD diagnosis should be examined for convergence insufficiency as well. Convergence insufficiency is caused by complications coronating eye movements and muscles. Convergence is the slight crossing of the eyes to focus on a near object Typically, the eye muscles perform this comfortably and effortlessly. These exercises could help your eyes to work together. We recently completed a randomized clinical trial in which 9 to 17-year old children with symptomatic CI were randomized to a 12-week treatment program of office-based vergence/accommodative therapy with home reinforcement (OBVAT), home-based pencil push-ups (HBPP), home Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a problem with the way the eye moves. Convergence insufficiency can be corrected in most cases by simple exercises. A 2005 study evaluated the link between convergence insufficiency and ADHD. Exercise Steps This leaflet is for patients with a condition called convergence insufficiency (CI), this can be treated by eye exercises. With your head straight, slowly and smoothly bring the target towards your nose, making sure it stays single. These exercises may be prescribed by an orthoptist (a medical technician who is specifically trained in ocular muscle function and binocular vision) or by an ophthalmologist. The exercise described below can help improve the convergence over a period of 4 to 8 weeks. 1 Patients with convergence insufficiency (CI) are often quite symptomatic. Home exercises for convergence insufficiency in children Arch Ophthalmol. Convergence insufficiency (CI) affects up to 15 percent of all school-age children. 1–4 Symptoms occur while reading or doing close work and include loss of place, having to re-read a word or phrase, reading slowly, poor comprehension, sleepiness, blurred vision, diplopia, headaches, and eye strain. Your orthoptist or ophthalmologist may prescribe in-office exercises, exercises to do at home, or both. The condition is more commonly found in children and young adults, and it may be underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed, as some individuals may not realize they have the condition or attribute their symptoms Jun 30, 2023 · Convergence insufficiency is a moderately common vision problem that affects the ability to comfortably focus on close objects. Individuals suffering from this condition should see an optometrist, ophthalmologist, or an orthoptist. March 2006; Archives of Ophthalmology 124(2):287 Convergence insufficiency can be treated in adults, not just kids. What is the treatment? The orthoptist will advise simple exercises that help to improve your convergence ability. What is Convergence Insufficiency? Convergence Insufficiency Therapy (CI) is a common binocular (two-eyed) vision disorder in which the eyes do not work at near easily. Practicing convergence through exercises can often treat convergence insufficiency, says the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 2 . jmm kmag supikp cofh ufz pjhp mzrupp fklpfw zdva yfgode