Kentmere 100 xtol I found this old end of the roll? film scan of Sophie who you might remember if you've followed me for a while - 2016 . These stocks have risen in price in recent times, but are still well within an economical price range. Posted on 22 July 2021; By Dave Rollans; Posted in 35mm Film, Film Developer, Film Photography, kodak Hc-110, Kodak xtol, R-09 Developer, Rodinal Developer, Seawood Photo Nov 28, 2022 · This is interesting. For what my experience is worth, I've shot it at 50 and 100, developing in PC-TEA 1+50 (fairly similar to Xtol 1+2) for 8:30 and 10:00, respectively (at ~20 C with a fairly ordinary agitation regime). Some of my image samples will follow soon. It scratches easily. Ilford Pan 100 vs Kentmere 100 – they could be said to be a close match as Kentmere 100 film is manufactured by Ilford films. floguill Super Gourou Kentmere 100 Portrait. Leica M2 Kentmere Pan 400 pushed to 3200 Leica M2 Kentmere Pan 400 pushed to 3200 Leica M2 Kentmere Pan 400 pushed to 3200 Leica M2 Kentmere Pan 400 pushed to 3200. In order to get at least a bit more similar development times i Jul 5, 2023 · Attracted by its low price, I recently shot a test roll of Kentmere Pan 100 in my OM-2n. We cannot guarantee the results and therefore all times should be treated as a guideline. Kentmere itself describes it as a medium-sensitivity film for various indoor and outdoor applications in good lighting conditions. Leica M3 + Leica Summicron 50mm f2 DR + 35mm Kentmere 100 film @100 . But I prefer to print and on prints I didn't see grain of this film to be an issue. After shooting the roll of Ektar 100, I loaded the Pentax 645 with a roll of Kentmere Pan 100. 4 ASPH + 35mm Kentmere 100 film . Kentmere 100 Film Portrait Pre-Budapest shoot with Ana . Reply reply (XTOL clone), 1:1 @ 20C. Maybe I will just stick to the common type film until I get some times. With CHS 100 II and HR-50 a subtle advantage in sharpness and resolution. So just wondering about the times. But Kentmere 400 is absolutely no problem to print. The chart doesn't have a listing for Kentmere 400 pushed to 3200, but I noted that the times shown for Kentmere are essentially the same as HP5 for any given dilution and film speed. I might try Kentmere 100 if it is more robust. When trying a new film I like to see other peoples experiences with times since I know the Dev chart is a starting place. Share Add a Comment. Kodak XTOL 1:1. I used two lenses, the Pentax 75mm F2. Leica M3 SS (newly CLA'd / recalibrated) + Voigtlander Nokton Classic 40mm f1. 5 minutes The Kentmere and Agfa negs look good, not so sure about the double X Dec 1, 2024 · Well, last night, not today. 5: 20C: Kentmere 100 Nikon F4 + Nikkor 50mm f1. raytoei Apr 27, 2016 · Fomapan 400 in Xtol (and Foma LQN) gives me reasonable grain. If you're in Germany Fotoimpex also sells a selfbranded stock called CHM 100/400 which is supposedly the same as Kentmere. 8G – Kentmere 100 @ ASA-100 – Kodak HC-110 Dil. 5: 20C: Kentmere 100: Xtol: 1+1: 50: 8. Ilford Microphen, Kodak XTOL and the various clones make for Jun 7, 2023 · For many years Kentmere Pan 100 and 400 were exclusively available in 135mm format. Usage and Dilution. 5: 20C: Kentmere 100 Apr 19, 2020 · Has anyone had any experience in solid times for Kentmere 400 in Xtol? I've tried googling it and have only found the massiveDev chart times. This is an extraordinary film IME. Mar 24, 2014 · D76 1+1 says 11. XTOL. I would like to switch to a Harmon/Ilford film, simply because they seem to be the only firm around supporting a full range of products for B&W shooters. Film Developer Dilution ASA/ISO 35mm 120 Sheet Temp Notes; Kentmere 100: D-76: stock: 50: 7: 7: 20C: Kentmere 100: D-76: 1+1: 50: 8. I actually like to leave this option on when scanning 120, but I think it’s too aggressive for Kentmere and leaves the grain looking chunky. Compared to Rodinal, much smaller more pleasant grain and much better shadow detail and tonality. The characteristic curve of Delta 100 can be well controlled by the choice of developer type. 3″) wide and weighs 215 grams, and takes… Are most "cheaper" filmstocks - like CHM 100 // Kentmere 100 // RPX 100 // really the same emulsion, just resleeved and rebranded? Are Fomadon Excel and Kodak Xtol the same? I tested 12 Filmstocks (6 at asa 100 and 6 at asa 400) and 5 developers (in overall 9 different dilutions). I have for a long time been using Rollei RPX 100 and 400, which in 35mm is (supposedly) repackaged Kentmere (100/400 respectively) and is also repackaged as Agfaphoto APX 100/400. Rollei PAUL & REINHOLD 640. Apr 27, 2016 · Fomapan seems to be very soft. May 9, 2015 · Adox/Efke CHS 100 II in Kodak HC-110 1+31; Adox/Efke CHS 100 II in Kodak HC-110 1+31; Rollei Retro 400S in Agfa Rodinal 1:100 ; Kodak Tri-X 400 in Kodak XTOL 1+1; Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 100 in Agfa Rodinal 1+100; Freestyle/Arista EDU Ultra 100 in Kodak HC-110 1:119; Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 100 in Kodak XTOL 1+1 Feb 11, 2020 · I’ve got too many variables here: I was a bit casual with the temperature because I was in a rush, and I’m not 100% confident in my FM2n’s shutter. Xtol vs. with Ilford DD-X, XTOL or Tetenal Ultrafin T-Plus you get a very Mar 1, 2012 · Tags: Kentmere 100, Kodak Plus-X, Kodak Xtol, Nikon F5. I always make 1L batches for my 3 reel Paterson / Jobo tanks. Kentmere 100 is my most used film at all. . Sophie . a good cheap developer which works well with kentmere 400 would be rodinal or hc-110. Nov 12, 2013 · Recipe & dev times for Kentmere 400 in Rodinal 1+100. Kentmere Pan 100 is a medium speed, ISO 100 panchromatic black & white film that’s produced in 35mm format only. Remember the more you dilute most developers the more grain you will show due to the dilution of the dissolving action of the developer. Mar 25, 2024 · Developing with 1:4 Xtol is very economical and a 5L Kodak Xtol pack will last your for ages (even when you develop 6-9 rolls with every 1L of working solution). Jun 29, 2024 · It is around noon, June 18. No surprise there really. As it is, the kentmere is keeping up with that 100mm Macro in terms of sharpness. :) Fujifilm Acros 100 and Kodak TMax 100 in Xtol. Finally, in 2022 it was introduced in 120-format. I am looking for some times to start with. I tried both and settled on the 400. There are several types of B&W film, such as Ilford's XP2 and Kodak’s BW400CN, that can be processed at your neighborhood drugstore. Feb 14, 2020 · For close to 6 years now I have been using the Kentmere 35mm films and the Ultrafine Xtreme (UFX) 400 & 100 emulsions, which I believe to be rebranded Kentmere products. These times have been taken from the manufacturer’s recommendations. Kentmere Pan 100 became an instant favorite of mine when I got my first roll of scans. Duration. KENTMERE PAN 400 is a high speed black and white camera film which is suitable for all aspects of general purpose photography and is capable of generating sharp, fine grain, high quality images. To my eyes Kentmere 100 is quite similar to Fomapan 100. For clarity 1:3 Xtol is 250ml of Xtol stock + 750ml water. I do Jun 15, 2018 · So this RPX 100 is a repackaging of something. Anywho, I often hate on Kentmere, but it is a cheap film and honestly there is nothing wrong with it. 50€ for the 400 and 4. At least on HP5 and Kentmere 400 I could get clouds and some details in the shadow. I try to find the lowest prices! May 30, 2017 · Recipe & dev times for Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 400 at 1600 in Kodak XTOL stock. I've shot and developed a lot of Kentmere 100, and this stuff came out with far more contrast than I expect from Kentmere. With its stated sensitivity of ISO 100, there should already be enough light. Yes, it doesn’t have the finest grain out there but it has a lovely traditional grain structure. i have not done 1600 yet. 99. Haut. I could not find any times for Oriental Seagull in Xtol so I did the time stated for Kentmere 400. org has one for Kentmere 400 at… v01 Agfaphoto APX 100,Rollei RPX 100或Kentmere 100列出的使用时间。 v31 使用列出的Xtol(1 + 2)时间。 Oct 15, 2022 · Massive Dev Chart has Kentmere 400 @ 400 in the usual 1+2+100 PMK at 13 minutes (20˚), which would give you around 11-ish minutes in 1+1+100 Pyrocat. It came out a bit over developed, I'll probably cut it back to 10 min at 72F for the next roll. The Kentmere 400 datasheet gives no clues about Xtol or the density I might expect from this film. Early speculation pointed to Kentmere 100. It is Nov 27, 2023 · Pyro developers hold a special place in my development tool kit. And, yes, if someone scan, grain will be here. expose a 400 speed film at 250). Also, I tried some shots outside at night. As I told Les in a flickr mail, the negs look much better, but I won't be able to scan until I'm back in Rochester. The developer has limited influence on these emulsions. Kentmere 400 - Xtol 1+1 - 400ASA - 9:30 @ 20C inetjoker: A roll of Kentmere 400 in Xtol 1-1. The advantage to the UFX materials is that the emulsions are also available in 120 format. It works OK in HC-110 B for me. May 9, 2020 · Did another roll of Oriental Seagull 400, aka rebranded Kentmere. </p> The Kentmere 100 is a black and white film. XTOL can be used as a stock solution or diluted to varying degrees, depending on the photographer’s specific requirements. stop and fixer is less important, just buy ilford Jun 27, 2016 · Die Datenblätter des Kentmere 100 und des APX 100 N sind identisch. I picked up a bulk roll of Finesse 100 and hoped for the best. Experiments with rolls of Kentmere 100, and 400 were great too. Film. 4 @1. 5 minutes at EI 100. Lo and behold, it was perfect. From personal experience and shooting a 10 pack of 35mm Kentmere 100 film I would say Kentmere 100 is maybe slightly softer with a slightly more classic grain / less modern look and with less contrast. D-76 is the most standard developer so why not try to published times for that. 1 Reply. 8 (45mm in 35mm terms) and the 45mm F2. (YouTube video to follow). FP4+, Kentmere 100, Fomapan 100 etc. There was some shadow detail loss, but for the price, I would argue there is no better option for someone wanting to try their first roll of black and white film. 58 a roll in the UK. Dec 4, 2024 · inetjoker: A roll of Kentmere 400 in Xtol 1-1. time for D76 (weirdly) so I looked at the Massive Dev Chart, which told me 11 minutes for 1:1 1 roll of Kentmere 100 1 roll of agfa APX 400@800 1 roll of Double X @400 All in my three reel tank in Xtol 1:1 for 12. I did some enlargements the other day of 35mm Fomapan 400 negatives on 20x24" paper and yes, the grain is there, but contrary to what someone might expect the prints do not show any obstrusive graininess when seen from a normal viewing distance. Low contrast usually means a one stop push looks a little better, in my opinion. A 1+2 c'est finalement pratique et économique : 100ml de stock pour 1 bobine et 300ml de solution. Gabou Super Gourou Messages : 5471 Xtol 1+1 à 20° pendant 17', agitation par retournement 30 s au début, puis 1 Jan 2, 2014 · Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 400 in Kodak XTOL 1+1; Foma Fomapan 200 in Agfa Rodinal 1+25; Kodak T-Max 100 in Kodak XTOL 1+1; Foma Fomapan 200 in Agfa R09 One Shot 1+100; Foma Fomapan 200 in Agfa R09 One Shot 1+40; Kodak Tri-X 400 in Agfa R09 One Shot 1+100; Kodak Tri-X 400 in Kodak D-76 1+1; Foma Fomapan 200 in Kodak XTOL ; Kodak Tri-X 400 Jan 6, 2025 · Kentmere 100 @80, Xtol stock, Pentax 17 I really like Kentmere 400 but I think I'd push it to max 800, or 1600 if I had a developer like DD-X or Xtol that had a reputation for being good for pushing. Olympus XA2 / Kentmere 100 +2 / X-Tol Shot at 200 ISO, pushed another stop in development. Hi folks, I'm trying out Kentmere 400 @ 1600, and intend to push it 2 stops just to experiment and see how well it holds up. This is my first time using XTOL with the film. This is Kentmere 400 pushed to 1600 on 6x6. At least in terms of film speed, the Kentmere films are much close to the advertised "box speed" than their Fomapan counterparts. I’d leave the sharpening to Photoshop. I have a project due and was planning on trying them. Kentmere 400. The tiny and very affordable 1970s Olympus 35RC is still impressively sharp! Kentmere 100 vs Ilford Pan 100. C'est pas trop mal, grain bien présent et nuances de gris correctes. Je vais essayer je vous dirai ce que ça donne dès qu'il fera un peu plus frais. Jun 13, 2017 · Here, we have listed the Kentmere film developing times. Format. I’m not too sure about that. If you at the same time look at FP4+, a similar film, you see D76 1+1 times at 11 minutes at EI 125, and Xtol 1+1 times of 10 minutes at EI 125. Two rolls of Kentmere 100 @ EI200 coming up. But don’t let the budget label scare you, because Kentmere 100 is a film that hits high above its price point. I might try the 100 next. However, during a sale, I took a chance on something a little different. Truth is, there's not much to tellI worried a bunch and hunted all over for develop recipes for pushed Kentmere. More . On the left, some Kentmere 100, shot from the Hilton Hotel in downtown Springfield, IL and developed in D76; the other shot from the office and developed in Ilfotec HC. Followed Xtol followed closely by HC 110 B. In Diafine I shoot it at 200-250. The XTOL working solution can be used immediately after preparation or stored for future use, typically lasting up to six months if stored properly. 3 likes, 0 comments - charlestonfilmlab on October 2, 2024: "35mm / Kentmere 100 / Xtol #filmphotography #bwphotography #filmisnotdead #photography". don’t use monobath, it’s a quick way to terrible results. both are one shot developers, so you just dilute from the concentrate and then throw it. It would probably be safe to develop them for 10 minutes using Xtol 1+1. I wouldn't use Rodinal - when I do plan on developing in Rodinal, I always assume 2/3 stop loss of film speed (e. MrLeica. It has the capability to generate high quality images with fine grain and good sharpness and is a good choice Kentmere 100 Uncle Mort's 1+9 100 6 20C Kentmere 100 Xtol stock 50 6. www. It is also significantly sharper, higher resolving and finer grained than all ISO 100/21° films with conventional grain technology like e. I developed in D-76 1:1, and I gotta say, I'm underwhelmed with the results. With shipping and tax, the lens cost me $140. 8 Macro. Jul 11, 2024 · I bought the Nikon 100 Series E lens on the 17th of June. com . See also post #3 in this old thread . Having said that, the Foma films have a unique "character," which a lot of people, myself included, really Feb 5, 2013 · <p>I find Xtol 1-1 and of all things Diafine works great with the Kentmere 100. This B&W film portrait is shot with a Leica M4-P camera. 54 a roll (25% more / ~£1. ISO 200 für den Film ist auch die Empfehlung für den Spur SLD Entwickler. Now onto a new bulk roll of HP5+ which I like very much. Foma 100 and Kentmere 100 look to be around the same price for a 30m roll and look to be around 1/3 cheaper 本身是一家英国的公司,后来被Harman收购了,Harman就是现在伊尔福的公司。现在产品线上有400和100度的黑白胶片,还有相纸。在2018年9月10日,伊尔福宣布kentmere系列更换包装,但是伊尔福明确说明换的只有包装,新包装如下: Oct 24, 2023 · The Massive Dev Chart is the world's largest source of processing times for developing black & white film. But less pronunciation as it comes from Jul 28, 2016 · Kentmere 400 has grain and it is visible as distraction sometimes. 5 min while using XTOL it is 12 min and 9. Kentmere 100 also pushes like a dream up to 1600. Massive dev chart has 1+50 dilution @ 25 minutes, with 1 min of agitation followed by 10 seconds every minute. The Massive Dev Chart lists stock D76 for 20 minutes, but I wanted 1:1. 5 minutes The Kentmere and Agfa negs look good, not so sure about the double X Leica M6 + Leica Summicron 50 DR @f2 + 35mm Kentmere 100 film + daylight . 4 + Kentmere 100 . I love this camera! I was also testing new film stocks - Kentmere 400 and Ilford Pan 400 (as introduced here - youtu. Oct 4, 2021 · One word of caution when scanning Kentmere films with flatbed scanners like the Epson V600 or V800 - be very careful with the Unsharp Mask. FilmDev. it is grainy accentuated by the higher temp in development. Oct 30, 2023 · Kentmere 100 Kentmere 100 is a wonderful budget film from Harman Technologies/Ilford Photo. sorry. One roll of 135-36 Kentmere 100 and one roll of 120 Retro 80s, both in Diafine 3+3. Finishing the end of the Kentmere film before we switched to Ilford F Pan 50 for the main shoot. Kentmere Pan 400. 00 more each). In XT-3/Xtol, K100 can be shot at ISO 200, while Fomapan reaches ISO 50 only. DSLR scan w/ Canon 100mm 2. Feb 1, 2010 · I have been doing Kentmere 400 at 12,30 minutes in Xtol 1+1. Developing - 1:3 Xtol, 10min at 27 degrees, Epson v800 scan . I've mostly used Xtol and Acufine, but replenished and my times wouldn't be of much use to you. Border as scanned. Xtol 1:3, 29 degrees, 9min20, Epson v800 scan . 1:4 Xtol developer solution is 200ml of Xtol stock + 800ml water. Dec 9, 2015 · Yep. Despite being one of the oldest developers, being viewed as highly-specialised and highly toxic. Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 400. I haven't shot Tri-X since college but it might be time to get familiar again soon! Also tempted by Bergger Pancro 400. Jan 4, 2014 · Recipe & dev times for Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 400 in Kodak XTOL 1:1. Invert every 30 sec for the first 10 min, then every 1min for the last 8. I would expect the Kentmere and the Foma to have more grain. It was later marketed under the name “Kentmere Pan 100”. I don't have the notes with me now, but I think I used similar times (12 minutes) with Kentmere 100 in Xtol 1+1. Aug 25, 2011 · Anyone tried either Xtol or one of the two bath developers based on D-23? Both give tighter grain with Tri-X than D-76 and the Xtol, either 1:3 or replenished, does well for pushing Tri-X. EI 400, XTol 1:1 ~19 minutes; highlights are blown, so dev time was too long: Feb 12, 2013 · I liked it in XTOL as well, but I don't like XTOL. Kodak T-Max 100 in AKFF (similar to XTOL) 1:2; Fuji Neopan Acros 100 in Kodak XTOL 1:2; Fuji Neopan Acros 100 in Kodak XTOL 1:2; Ilford HP5+ 400 in Agfa R09 One Shot 1:25; Ilford HP5+ 400 in Agfa R09 One Shot 1:25; Ilford HP5+ 400 at 800 in Kodak D-76 stock; Ilford HP5+ 400 at 800 in Kodak XTOL 1:1; Rollei Infrared IR 400 in Photographers May 28, 2011 · Kentmere is a true black and white film, meaning it can’t be processed in C-41 color film chemicals. Continually updated, the chart has been online since 1995 and contains both manufacturer's published times and user submissions. Jan 30, 2023 · Kentmere 100 When it came to Kentmere films, Kentmere 100 was the first version that I used. 25 min for the different films. Jun 29, 2016 · I am tempted to buy a bottle of HC-110, although I like the eco friendliness of XTOL. Film Developer Dilution ASA/ISO 35mm 120 Sheet Temp Notes; Kentmere 100: Xtol: stock: 50: 6. Write a comment Antworten abbrechen. Seems like a huge difference. 19 while Delta 400 is $7. In terms of VS, I prefer HP5 as affordable first class ISO 400 film. Apr 20, 2011 · Bonjour, pouvez vous me dire les temps pour une kentmere 100 dans du xtol 1+1 svp, je ne trouve nulpart ce couplelà et je suis tout pres a la mettre en cuve Jan 4, 2020 · Kentmere 100 is a medium speed, black & white film suitable for a wide variety of applications where good lighting conditions are available (both outdoor or indoor with controlled / studio lighting). The lens is 63mm (2. B 5:45 @ 20C Nikon F5 – AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm 1:2. I have no idea how Foma 100, Kentmere 100 do for sharpness up against FP4. In 120, the only available of the three brands was until now the RPX 100/400. I guess you pay for good documentation when you buy HP5 Plus or Delta 400 instead. A Night Shot Final Thoughts on Pushing Kentmere Pan 400 to 3200 Cynthia on Kentmere 100, Budapest Leica M3 SS (newly CLA'd / recalibrated) + Voigtlander Nokton Classic 40mm f1. Jun 12, 2008 · Kentmere has no anti halation layer. ID 11 is just a solid frame of reference, because if you can't make that work nothing will. 5 20C Kentmere 100 Xtol stock 100 8 20C Kentmere 100 Xtol 1+1 100 10 20C Kentmere 400 Acufine 1+3 400 10 28C [56] Apr 15, 2023 · Kentmere 100 and Arista/Foma were my go to for years, shooting through 500 plus feet of the stuff. I pay around £3 a roll for 120 Fomapan 100 film and the next cheapest would be I think £4 a roll for the likes of Ilford FP4+, Ilford HP5+, then Kodak Tri-X 400, Kodak T-Max 100 & 400 and Fuji Acros 100 and then £5 for Ilford Delta 100 and 400. g. A roll of Kentmere 400 is only $5. Mar 7, 2005 · Yesterday I processed a roll shot @ EI 250 and souped it in XTol 1:1 w/ Rodinal @ 1:100. "We look at a thing and think we have seen it and yet what we see is only after what our prejudices tell us should be seen, or what our desires want to see. Dec 7, 2016 · Comparing Rodinal to Xtol, I used both alongside each other for nearly 20 years and with APX100 & APX25 and also Tmax 100 there is no detectable differences in grain size between the same film used in either developer. attached is a sample pic, m2 + collapsible cron. Agency Model - Yulya, Ukraine . Used 510-pyro 1+100 semi-stand 45 minutes with agitation every 15. Available in 35mm only Kentmere is the budget film line made by Ilford. they’ll last ages and you’ll get loads done from a bottle so it’s very cost effective in the long term. It has the capability to generate high quality images with fine grain and good sharpness and is a good choice Feb 21, 2013 · hi. Be the first to Sep 8, 2012 · Rollei RPX 100 / 400 = Kentmere 100/400 The only difference is that Kentmere films are not available as 120 roll films. Take these two pictures, for example. HP5+,Tri-X, Kentmere 100 were about the same, no visible significant differences. E. Rollei Rpx 400 at 800 in Kodak XTOL 1+1; Jan 4, 2021 · I think now there’s a tie for the lead with Ilford Delta 400 pushed to 1600, joined now by Kentmere Pan 400 at 1600 for the difference in price. Since I use medium (and large) format cameras extensively and 35mm cameras more rarely, I had little experience with the film before it was available for medium format cameras. 4 + Kentmere 100 Developing - 1:3 Xtol, 10min at Mar 31, 2019 · Ilford Pan 100, Kentmere 100: 50 I’ve tried after D76, Xtol, Tanol, PMK, did not liked it especially the D76 – to my taste awful grain, without any form. Developer. 5: 8. The negs came out heavy, much denser than my usual Tri-X, Double-X, FP 4 Plus, etc. Jul 22, 2021 · Developer Comparison - HC-110 vs. 35mm. 2 Responses to “Kentmere 100 test” Feed for this Entry Dec 16, 2024 · One roll of Ilford HP5+ @ 800 in Xtol 1+0. 1:3 Xtol, 11mins, 19-20 deg (i guessed - luke warm), v800 scan . Price -35mm Kentmere 400 (vs Delta 400 and HP5) At the time of writing 35mm Kentmere 400 film costs £3. the instructions called for 18 min at 20*. 5: 6. Leica M4-P + Leica Summilux 50mm f1. I'm happy to do this but I'd rather do a 1:3 and I'd also like to have the ability to push it past 200 too. Dec 16, 2024 · One roll of Ilford HP5+ @ 800 in Xtol 1+0. Agfa Copex Rapid in Agfa Rodinal 1+100; Kentmere Photographic The Kentmere 100 is a black-and-white film. 5 LTM May 26, 2024 · I prefer Kentmere 100 to Kentmere 400, but neither is a bad film, you just have to learn to work with its quirks. 8 E Series + 35mm Kentmere 100 film @100 1:3 Xtol + 1:400 Rodinal, 11mins, 19-20 deg (i guessed), v800 scan Agency model - Karolina Blog Apr 18, 2024 · So I tried a roll of Rollei RPX 100, and I don't think it's the same as Kentmere 100. The images created directly toward the sun have no detail in the sky. Sep 11, 2014 · I have not found it finicky (100 speed), but the times are longer than for many other films. I can't comment about other films as I never processed them in Rodinal. Buy Kentmere Pan 100 Black and White Negative Film (35mm Roll Film, 36 Exposures) featuring Panchromatic B&W Negative Film, ISO 100/21° in Standard Process, Fine Grain and High Sharpness, Broad Tonal Range, Wide Exposure Latitude. Feb 8, 2019 · Nikon F5 – AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm 1:2. Rollei's datasheet doesn't give a dev. You can also try contrast filters. Not as lifeless as Ilford 100 Delta, not so "digital" as TMAX 100. Here are Fomapan 100, 200, and 400 summaries, compared to Kentmere 100 and 400. 15€ for the 100 ISO, cheaper if you buy 10 packs. Tonality is good at all three. The subtle detail captured in 35mm as well as a nice even balance of tones made beautiful images. Does anyone have any data to develop Kentmere 100 with Xtol 1:3? I can only find data for Kentmere 100 rated at 200 and developed in a 1:2 dilution. 400 was a bit flat while the 100 had better contrast, doing contact sheets with my standard setup at grade 2,5. Looking at Massive Dev Chart I noticed that using HC-110 dil B the dev times between Kentmere 400 and T Max 400 are the same basically 5. May 25, 2019 · Ilford Pan 100 vs Kentmere 100. Kentmere Pan 100. cooked in hc110 @ 30C (!) for 45mins in 1+100 dilution. Much punchier than both. Nov 17, 2015 · 120 Fomapan 100 – Cost. As a direct comparison 35mm Ilford HP5 Plus costs £4. Perhaps slightly more detail but not as fine as Ilford Pan 100 (or Ilford Delta 100). KENTMERE PAN 100 is a medium speed black and white camera film which is suitable for a variety of indoor and outdoor photography applications, where good lighting exists. 4. Jun 9, 2021 · With FP4+ I've found a subtle advantage with grain. Nov 2, 2018 · Test d'une Kentmere 400 exposée à 200, développée 9'30 dans du Xtol 1+1 (j'ai extrapolé le temps à partir de la HP5 qui était la plus proche, n'ayant pas de données pour le Kentmere sous la main). I pushed Kentmere 400 to 1600 and developed it and lived to tell the tale. Rodinal. It is neutral on prints. be/gLKCzprRq8s ) I certainly put the film up to the test with my first roll! Bessa L + Voigtlander Super Wide Heliar 15mm f4. HP5 has more midtones, IMO. All three rolls shot after getting my OM-1N back from CLA; now time to send in the OM-2N. Two rolls of 120 Fomapan 100 in Rodinal (Fomadon R09), stand developed for 60 minutes at 1:100, one shot on a Lomo Diana+, the other respooled to 620 and shot on a Kodak Duaflex (that only works on "bulb"). 5″) tall and 58mm (2. For the second half we shot in colour with Kodak Portra 160 Sep 8, 2010 · En petit format 35mm, je développe la FOMA 100 (exposée à 100) à l'XTOL 1+2 ou 1+3 , 9 minutes respectivement 11 minutes (agitation de type Ilford à la touillette Paterson). After trying Caffenol-C developing three times, I wanted to see what the difference was and got myself Xtol. Halation is visible sometime. Damit könnte XTol auch sehr gut klar kommen. I use the stand method, with 2 agitations in between stand. I was also given 5 36 exposure rolls of kentmere 100 film Dec 4, 2014 · I don't have experience with Kentmere but I shoot a lot of Tri-X and found the best developer to push it is Xtol. That was to be expected, as these are all lower sharpness and resolution emulsions. 21 Likes. 나온지 70년이 넘은 렌즈인데도 사진에 남겨지는 표현력이 대단하다 흑백필름 물려 찍을때마다 늘 만족스럽다 Contax IIa + Opton Sonnar T* 2/50 Kentmere 100, Xtol. The fine grain and excellent sharpness make it suitable for enlargement prints while its broad tonal range and wide exposure latitude make it a Jun 28, 2016 · Adox/Efke CHS 100 II in Kodak HC-110 1+31; Adox/Efke CHS 100 II in Kodak HC-110 1+31; Rollei Retro 400S in Agfa Rodinal 1:100 ; Kodak Tri-X 400 in Kodak XTOL 1+1; Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 100 in Agfa Rodinal 1+100; Freestyle/Arista EDU Ultra 100 in Kodak HC-110 1:119; Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 100 in Kodak XTOL 1+1 My preferred developer for classic 400 speed B&W in small format is Microdol / Perceptol by far. Rodinal . Xtol is cheap powder you mix up and then use 1:1 with water (though it only keeps for 2 months). Acros and TMax came out beautifully. May 14, 2012 · Though i used Xtol i found that for ilford products the dev times between D76 and Xtol are very similar if not the same. I thought I was getting good results with Caffenol-C, but these Xtol rolls came out just great. Nine months since mixing and still going strong. Mar 11, 2015 · Kentmere 100 Xtol stock à 20°= 8minutes, 1+1 = 10". Inside the box it only shows Ilford chemical Dec 1, 2022 · Yes, I found the same thing. Mar 1, 2012 · Since I've searched for a starting point for this new film and have not found one, I did a bracketed first test roll in replenished Xtol, 11 1/2 minutes at 72F. i regularly push kentmere 400 to 800, and also with HC-110. Jung-Ki Park (@lp_zag). 4. Has anybody used these two developers for pushing Kentmere 400 @1600 ? Regarding developing times, Massive Dev Chart is giving me very long times, like 18min or 22min Dec 29, 2024 · 1 roll of Kentmere 100 1 roll of agfa APX 400@800 1 roll of Double X @400 All in my three reel tank in Xtol 1:1 for 12. I've found them to be one of the best developers Lately Ultrafine Xtreme 400, which I finally finished a 100ft bulk roll of last month. Mar 19, 2021 · The tonal range is more subtle than Kentmere. inetjoker: A roll of Kentmere 400 in Xtol 1-1. Reply reply Apr 20, 2011 · Kentmere 100 = Ilford FP4 (sans le PLUS) Haut. Both 24 and 36-exposure cartridges are available, which are DX-coded with the numbers 017702 and 017701 respectively, and you can find it in 100ft bulk rolls too. 8 (28mm in 35mm terms) Lenses. 5: 20C: Kentmere 100: D-76: 1 New camera, new lens, new film :) Street photography in London yesterday testing my new 1999 Bessa L 35mm film camera. , negs. Great material for daily use. BTW, I have really gotten to like the Kentmere 100. May 1, 2009 · Has anyone tried Kentmere film in 400 or 100. 5 20C Kentmere 100 Xtol 1+1 50 8. So I used the HP5 formula for developing Kentmere shot at 3200, using dilution H (1:63) as a semi-stand dev for 40 minutes, with continuous agitation for the first May 23, 2010 · Fomapan 100 seems to be a film that brings out strong preferences in a lot of people and that responds fairly strongly to processing changes. Kentmere 100. Developing - 750:250 Xtol + 4ml Rodinal, 20min at 24 degrees, Epson v800 scan. Dec 1, 2024 · Well, last night, not today. 8G Jul 27, 2015 · Hello after a brief hiatus from 35mm and 120 film I picked up a very nice Canon Ftb and 50mm 1. mzhqxaan xqb puklx kceth yigrlyb rdnfugd iyxbvna pnbxzx wqol bvvg