Modern tron matchups More than 3890 Modern Mono Green Tron decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments Magic: the Gathering decks for Tron. Modern is brutal right now, and if you stumble you die. So, you need to balance your expected tron matchups with your need to have 3 white online. A dedicated playgroup with a wide variety of decks from the current meta is the other thing you’ll need to get really good with this deck. In matchups where it isn't relevant, it will still "cycle" (or replace itself). I've been playing Modern for the last 6 or so years. Reply reply My experience with the deck is you have to have solid familiarity with matchups. It will continue to be a deck until the format truly enters the waning moments of a death spiral. Gx Tron has been a deck since [[Cloudpost]] got banned. Big Tron is a real problem, but if you play that deck, you'll lose to basically everything else in modern at the moment. Infinite life, draw pass, draw pass, oh look Aetherflux I win :’) From Modern Horizons 2, Obsidian Charmaw is the ideal card for the Mono-Green Tron match-up. Other cards to commonly board out Some matchups, like Martyr, you don’t need the Ulamog and against others, like Jund, Ulamog is sufficient and you probably don’t need Emrakul. Reply reply Zealousideal-Creme29 • Based on my post MH3 modern play with G Tron, any tron without the 8 Sol Lands (+ Mind Stone/Talisman Ramp) or without prison (Chalice, Trini) I used to play G-tron now E-tron hybrid and also Murktide but a got no chance against them. A classic deck that's still dominating. X. It shouldn't. In today's article, I'll delve deep into this archetype, address its deckbuilding, strategies, game approach and give you a guide on its sideboard for the main matchups. It plays its game plan and doesn’t need tron for any of it. Most of the SB space is dedicated to that matchups for this reason. You can find my primer along with match up guide for the current modern format here: GB Tron Primer. By Darren Magnotti | Published 3/21/2024 | 7 min read. A lot of tron players on magic online right, love their turn 1 forests, and without crop rotation in the format, this is really bad. By タカノ マサト Let's 5!Modern DX (Kichijoji, Japan) 04-Jan 56%. 1- You have very polarising matchups. I have a few pieces you could use. Mono-Green Tron Top 8'd the European RC in Ghent by my friend Tony Martos, and it was suggested by none other than Javier Dominguez as a good metagame call to beat the most played and dominant I'm an avid RG Tron player and I really do like this primer. being free. For those who can't view at work my current Tron list: Modern - Tron. I’ve been playing G/B Tron in Modern for the last few months and have been extremely impressed by how consistent and well-positioned it has been. Gx Tron is fast, consistent, and has the best lategame in all of Modern (yes, that's right - ALL of Modern). BO3. Reply reply Mono-Green Tron is one of the best decks in Modern, and it got a lot of spotlight in July this year at the Pro Tour Barcelona. On the other hand, the matchup versus fast aggressive decks is bad as it has always been for monoblue decks. Deck Description: Your average GTron deck. That archetype has posted many recent successes, including two copies in Top 8 of the SCG Invitational last weekend. Tron is definitely a beginner deck, but don’t let that fool you! I’ve been playing tron for alittle under 2 years now and it’s what I would call a 90% deck, meaning that when you pick it up you can immediately be Tron has always had polarizing enough matchups that you need to get the right matchups to win and I think that’s the same today as it’s always been. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks Best Matchups by Winrate Affinity — 100% (2 matches) Golgari Yawgmoth — 100% (2 matches) 5 Color Creativity — 100% (2 matches) Samwise Combo — It pilots itself. E-Tron is more midrange with some pretty good beaters where G-Tron is over the top. Its Mono-Green version, in fact, was quite popular not that long ago. Tron's matchups are actually a lot closers across the board than a lot of people think. Top combo decks in modern: Tron, Dredge, Amulet, Valakut, Ad Naus, Storm, Grishoalbrand. I'm hoping to get some insight in to what matchups that card should come in for and what is the order that I should name cards in. The big thing is E-Tron has Chalice, which is quite relevant in a lot of matchups and they also don't rely on having Tron to be able to play the game, it's really just a bonus they enjoy for having a colorless deck. MTGO Modern League #8688 04-Jan 39%. I feel like E-Tron is much less extreme on both ends of the spectrum, it can hold it's own vs aggro much better but it also loses to midrange and control more than it's old counterpart and thats the direction i like modern to go in, less lopsided. I Since its inception, Eldrazi Tron has been a staple in the Modern metagame. BGx, UBx, WBx, UWx all implement these fundamentals. Now E-Trons matchups are still more on the onesided end but much less so than regular trons are in Eldrazi Tron: This is definitely easiest of the Tron matchups I think. Tutoring for Tron: Mulligan Hi I’m Chris Giglio or “GiglioMTG”. Most lists run 2 (mine included) and it can be snapped back for up to 4 threats being ripped out. One of the most popular decks in Modern at the moment is Burn, which has historically been one of Mono-Green Tron’s worst matchups because it takes advantage of the bigger Tron’s setup turns and one of Eldrazi Tron’s better matchups, as Chalice of the Void can invalidate roughly a third of Burn’s entire deck. Discussion on Magic: the Gathering's Modern format plus its decks, cards, tournament results, and more! If you are looking for something powerful and consistent in modern I would highly recommend checking out Modern's best control deck in GB Tron. Note: the meta has started to favour Eldrazi Tron more and more lately as 'fair' decks are coming back to the forefront of modern. Not much we can do about it. It is one of the few decks that does not have to run cards from Modern Horizons 1 or 2. Most Martyrproc matchups are ridiculously lopsided with UW, Tron, Ad Naus, Storm, etc. Also buying 2-3 turns is really all you need as Tron to get your Tron going and set up a kill. By Andrea Mengucci | @Mengu09 | Published 2/14/2024 | 5 min read. These removal spells can help in a variety of matchups, including Golgari Yawgmoth and Rakdos Scam. Thus, when Tron is good, fair decks tend to be bad. Every day, it Since writing about Karn, the Great Creator last month, the card has exploded across the Modern metagame. For example, amulet is supposed to be an instant win against tron, like it’s top 3 hardest archetypes for tron to beat and always has been and always will be (the other two are burn and land destruction/ ponza), but as a decently experience tron player, I have like a 80+ win percentage against amulet because there are no experienced pilots where I used to live and Modern is in an interesting place at the moment. Mainboard (75) I am looking for a guide and side board guide for Mono-Green Tron. Tron, also known as Mono Green Tron to distinguish it from other Tron variants but generally just called Tron, is one of the longest lived decks in the Modern format. Matchups against other spirit decks or humans were also very challenging, but winnable most of the time I think tempo decks in general need a lot of skill. It was a free tournament so there was no t4 cut but had there been I would have made it I believe. Best Matchups Against Yawgmoth in Modern. Modern Gx Tron Primer What is Gx Tron? Tron is a (mainly) green deck that's goal is to assemble the Urzatron (Urza's Tower, Urza's Mine, and Urza's Power Plant) as quickly as possible. If you want to build Tron right away DM me and I’ll ship some cards. In my experience, they rarely have super favorable matchups, but also rarely have super defavorable matchup. Reply reply More replies. Mono red prowess has sooooooo much more to it (and is like unde 15% the price of g tron). This episode is more dedicated to highlighting how mono green Tron has been able to survive the shifts in the modern horizons meta, mainly by remaining consistent in the tools that it has always used. Mid to Late: Tron hits seven mana after U/W has spent some time stopping that, often by finding a Forest on every Field of Ruin. If Tron stumbles in reassembling, a planeswalker can quickly run away with the game. If they have 7 mana open, keep your counterspells up for Karn. 7 percent of the time, while UB Faeries only managed to do so in 48. Racing to Tron is important in this matchup. the Gathering's Modern format plus its decks, cards, tournament results, and more! Tron is ever-present in the metagame of Modern, often fluctuating in popularity and power level, but lately there have been some new variants seeing play. the Gathering's Modern format plus its decks, cards, grafdigger’s cage and others for living end or breach matchups. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. What decks have good matchups for it? I'd rather not spend $300 and lose every game. deck. A manabase of 4 Temple, 4 Labryrinth, 12 Tron pieces, and a 4 utilities/basics seems right. Against those matchups, you need an extremely good hand to even contend with them. More than 1986 Modern Eldrazi Tron decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments. With 12 sources of red mana (8 eggs + 4 Groves) you really don't need a basic mountain, as a common form of hate for RG Tron is blood moon. They do not have out for Karn, the Great Creator into Ensnaring Bridge game one. Recently, I won the Modern Super Qualifier, on which I've earned an entry to the Strixhaven Championship and today I'll introduce you to my Sideboard guide against the main matchups of the format with the deck of which I've played over 7000 matchups since 2017, the Eldrazi Tron. " You pack a good amount of permission and Tron gives you inevitability if the game goes long, so these matchups are generally favorable even before sideboarding. This, combined with the fact paper tournaments 36 votes, 40 comments. Edit: Would rather not play super heavy control. There are a few things I'd like to point out though. E-tron usually forgoes the green digging package in favor of a more midrange stompy deck that can actually play proactively for the first few turns of the game. Traditionally Tron is a G/R deck using green land tutors and large colorless threats to close out the game, but just a week ago Tom Ross won the SCG Open in Columbus while playing G/W Tron. With Preordain recently coming off the banlist, blue decks like Izzet Murktide got a nice addition back into their suite of spells. However, after MH3 came along, Eldrazi were back on the menu, and Eldrazi Tron became the most popular Tron version around. Lost to Jund, not usually a matchup I'd lose but if I recall correctly he way outvalued me one of the games I lost and got a scooze I couldn't kill the other. . COM store. There’s one 4C Omnath player at my locals who doesn’t concede to infinite life sadly, so I am forced to run a single copy of [[Aetherflux Reservoir]] mainboard to keep him happy. Jace is optimal, Teferi can do it but isn’t also disruption. I have tried to cover the matchups I am familiar with. This past weekend I attended Grand Prix Vancouver to attempt to break Modern wide open with Eldrazi Tron: This shouldn’t be too shocking, given the wide range of removal present in the mono-white Tron deck. It's a classic modern deck and the only deck that sleeves up tron lands that i'm like cool whenever I face it. Because of this you have to mulligan aggressively with G tron. Assuming that Tron will have at most one non-colorless land in play by turn 3, we can usually rely on casting Charmaw on turn 3. Top 2% Rank by size . U-Tron is actually the oldest Tron variant, it was played in Standard back in the day, but is fundamentally clunky. G-tron is better at assembling tron with Sylvan Scrying and Ancient Stirrings so it tends to focus on that for the first few turns because aside from KGC they’re threats cost 6+. It has generally positive matchups against all decks other than fast combo and extremely fast aggro (Burn, Infect - Zoo isn't really a problem). *** Tron is a great deck in Modern, at least until everyone starts packing extreme hate. Thanks for Infect, Kiki Chord, Affinity, often Merfolk are all matchups that destroy Tron. RG Tron, once the most popular archetype, is a Green-based Urzatron deck that frequently E-Tron stands a better chance in the current meta. Since Gitaxian Probe and Golgari Grave-Troll were banned Modern really hasn’t had a chance to settle down. I play tormods crypt and 4 relics sideboard to answer these matchups and i can accept losing sometimes to variance but i feel like i can't win if they dump half their deck in the yard and i didn't draw a relic of progenitus. I played Eldrazi Tron at GP Vegas 2017, 4-5 against green tron. Well the problem is that your weak matchups are very bad and those Skites really shore those up. I actually started playing Modern on U Tron myself. Saying that, Tron is a solid deck. Even though I’m not a Yawgmoth player, I enjoyed reading it and gleaned insights about some unfamiliar matchups and modern as a whole. Yes, Dredge and Phoenix are still about but GDS, Control variants and B/G/X midrange decks are all becoming increasingly more popular - all decks that Eldrazi Tron has excelled against in the past. Just a couple of considerations if you're planning on keeping it updated: Modern is not an Eternal format, Lantern Control is a super favorable matchup for U Tron, might be the most lopsided matchup in Modern (not so long ago Pierakor was 11-0 against them) so I would consider labeling it as Very Good, and it would also be interesting adding 6 Infect vs As Naus, Grishoal vs Tron, Soul Sisters vs Burn, Affinity vs Merfolk, 8 Rack vs Storm, Martyr proc vs Shadow, and Skred vs Hatebears all come to mind. In today's article, I'll delve deep into this archetype, address its deckbuilding, strategies, game More than 1986 Modern Eldrazi Tron decks from top MTGA, MTGO Matchup and sideboard plan Scam. Where the big weakness of mono-white Tron lies in comparison to mono-green Tron is in matchups where the removal isn’t super impactful. magic-the-gathering How to Build Tron for Modern MTG. The best matchups are probably affinity and most fringe decks. Burn: toughest matchups are probably boggles, the various life gain decks, and possibly bloom with affinity being perhaps slightly better than those but still very bad. Jund looping an Urza's Saga with Wrenn and 6, creating two Constructs a turn, will similarely inevitably overload UW Control's removal if a proper answer to Wrenn can't be found. In Modern, my two primary decks I have are Green Tron and Eldrazi Tron. Since they are fundamentally different decks, I won’t mention too much about the Eldrazi side for this article, but I have frequently been featured in the league dumps, MTGO Prelims, and have top 8’ed a number of PTQs with the deck. spiciness $615 Top4. I have: (reason) 40 cards 12 Tron lands (Tron) 4 forest (blood moon, field of ruin path to exile) 1 [[Blast zone]] (board wipe on a searchable land) I went to a modern tournament tonight and went 3-1 over Combo tron, U tron and RG tron. I think percentages are a lot more 60/40 for good and bad matchups instead of the 90/10 a lot of people believe. The fact that it is a cast trigger and also a 13/13 they have to deal with is insanely good in the matchups where it is relevant Merfolk is basically the anti-Tron; it has good matchups against most of the popular decks but really struggles against tier two options like Living End and Boggles. More posts you Modern has been in flux for some time now. There are a number of different kinds of such decks in the format; this article will detail the most common variants. So while decks like Jeskai and Grixis control are hard removal decks we as a deck have the ability through all our creatures and sb cards to grind through it. E tron doesn’t aggressively try to get tron. Also a titan player and murktide/scam are my least favorite matchups. Yawgmoth doesn’t I love e-tron too, but as other posters noted, its quite swingy. This is also the same turn we generally want to cast spectral procession for 3 white. You could also keep a hand with Dismember as it allows From the sideboard, your discard spells help to shore up difficult combo matchups, with Collective Brutality just an absurdly powerful card in many matchups. (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER. Also they lock you out fairly hard if you can't get rid of them. The fact that Tron also has some very bad matchups against decks like Infect (I dont think there is anything a RG Tron player can do to stop a T2 kill from Infect on the play even if they stack their entire deck) can be seen to mean that Tron is unlikely to really get hit by a banning since its very easy for a meta to self-correct should it become dominant so that might add to the frustration. After sideboard, it gets a little better, but it's still tough matchups. true. You could shave down to 9-10 Tron pieces too to make more room for the latter and still have the ability to mise Tron in a lot of games. Trons best matchups are decks that utilize strong answers and threats to leverage their chances against absolutely unfair strategies. I'm looking to play in a Modern tournament this Wednesday and Thursday to gather more information. And still to this day, the This entails 4 main decks, GR Tron(Tron lands and Pyroclasms/o-stone), Scapeshift( valukut and anger of the gods), Dredge(dredgers and Conflagrate), and Living End(living end and living end). With my spirit deck, the only defavorable matchups were mono-green tron and jund. Well, the secret is out Tron is strong in Modern once again. Home MTG Modern. What are jeskai Control's Bad matchups? (Except Tron and E-Tron) There are many Jeskai control decks in my meta so i've been wondering what decks generally have a good matchup against it. Tron often plays midrange games with Stone, The One Ring, and Karn when they are slowed down in assembling their lands, and a 4/4 attacker plays a significant role in those types of games. "My name is Matheus, I am a grinder and streamer on Magic Online. Tron is a great deck in While Mono-Green Tron struggles against Amulet Titan, it's much more resilient to Blood Moon and Magus of the Moon than you think, and it has a good matchup against cascade decks and Izzet Murktide, which are a big part Prison Tron is also known as deck, Prison Tron or Charge Tron. Mono-Green Tron is one of the best decks in Modern, and it got a lot of spotlight in July this year at the Pro Tour Barcelona. Splashing a color is fairly trivial, and the rewards are worth the Relic of Progenitus is the most common flex slot, being a good card in various matchups that replaces itself, and often the first card to be boarded out. In terms of favorable matchups against Tron, Red-based decks I played for a long time and found the tron and valakut matchups very difficult. I havent seen tron putting up too many results lately, and id rather hedge for decks like hammer and creativity 121K subscribers in the ModernMagic community. It's also hard to transition the deck into anything but other Tron decks. I don't run Dismember or Warping Wail due to my meta, and I run a playset of Wurmcoil Engine s because they're cool. How Tron Works The goal of Mono-Green Tron is to assemble the three Tron lands, Urza's Mine + Urza's Powerplant + Urza's Tower by turn three, resulting in seven colorless mana. Dropping Wurmcoil Engine against this deck can win many games since their eldrazi can't deal with it so easy. In inexperienced hands, this deck is bad. Since the release of Antiquities, many Magic players have completed the tour of Urza’s dwelling, and over the years we’ve seen the "big mana" strategy wielded in all sorts of interesting ways. Zerosauro • still good! mono g tron is a pillar of modern and rarely something can stand against t3 karn, take your tron lands and conquer the world. So utility lands get better when you have Tron and don't make a better substitute for Tron. spiciness $435 1st But yeah much love to the U-tron diehards, they have played a deck through thick and thin even though all the green varients or Eldrazi were the "better" tron. I love eldrazi tron but i am having trouble with the graveyard matchups, specifically dredge and oops. Fun games vs that deck. Ulamog is too slow and not what the deck wants to be doing, kgc should be either a 3 or 4 of, if you’re going to make your sideboard tiny you might as well maximize the number of times you see the reason for that, karn liberated has been proven to be terrible in u tron, as by the time you play a big threat it should be near game winning, Greetings! My name is Matheus, I am a grinder and streamer on Magic Online. I can count on one hand how many of those decks have good tron matchups lmao. Matchups Note: The Modern meta is wide open right now with tons of decks around, some changing significantly, and new decks cropping up frequently. I always struggle thinking which cards have a less impact vs a particular matchups and which ones are the best. It's not one of the best matchups, but the good news is that the deck is not very well-positioned in the meta, which is one of the reasons to play Tron. Friend is building Tron and I want to put a bit of money into a modern deck. The deck does its thing and does it well, and many decks in the format have little chance of competing with it. The mid-game is about U/W answering every threat Tron deploys Modern Tron, or Urzatron, is a deck that runs off of the three "Urza" lands (Urza's Mine, Urza's Power Plant and Urza's Tower) in order to make large amounts of mana. Modern Monsters - Destination Qualifier @ Damnation MTG Fest 05-Jan 29%. In today's article, I'll delve deep into this archetype, address its deckbuilding, strategies, game approach and give you a 30 votes, 27 comments. I would recommend it as the place to start if you want to get into Tron. What are good and bad matchups for this deck? Eternal combines the infinite possibilities of a deep strategy card game with the pace and polish of a modern video game. I’ve been working on and streaming Shardless Agent decks in Modern since the card was spoiled in Modern I agree with the other comment that it is meta dependent, but I’d say that when Chalice is not good, Eldrazi Tron isn’t either. Great video, just like the first one! I especially liked it cause this is one of the most interesting matchups in modern. I have played many decks in that time. Amulet Titan and Mono-Green Tron decks have made good use of Karn, but the most successful archetype may be Eldrazi Tron. This time in Modern Meta Matchups 5 Color Humans, piloted by Austin, takes on Mono Green Tron, piloted by JC Everhart-----Humans Decklist: https://www. This also combines with the fact that recent sets have been incredibly influential on Modern. being basically unwinnable and Humans, Burn, Spirits, Shadow, Affinity, etc. Even though I don't play either deck, I still like seeing an in depth look at each deck, and some of the different builds of the decks. This is not the case in eldrazi tron, and I think that the name can be misleading at times. With enough Tron in the meta, alongside man lands, and gaak with low basic counts, (though mainly because of tron), the improvement it provides in a variety of matchups, including being very potent in the bad Tron matchup when backed up by Chalice of the Void on 1, I think you gain more from GQ than scav grounds. Tron is one of Yawgmoth’s worst matchups. It’s evasive, destroys a land, and is a win condition all rolled into one. Lavinia will be missed for the Tron matchups, but the better manabase is probably worth the cut. The best matchups are probably tron, Grixis Control, storm and infect. I encourage other players to contribute their matchup notes to the discussion in the comments and will update this section periodically when That in addition to being on tron makes the promised end such a strong hoser versus the 4-5 color piles of good cards and decks like control that you can actually have it come down on turn 4-5 or so. In this article, Lucas will take us through his latest version of the deck, It's also a great tool in many unfavorable matchups, giving us an edge I've been looking into proxying a set of modern decks with the intention of having a selection with fun and engaging matchups from any point in Modern history, They also both played target discard in Thought-Knot Seer and Thoughtseize. The variance that I talked about earlier basically doesn’t exist in the Modern versions. I think a lot of E Tron players don’t always realize just how much weaker the deck is in a lot of matchups compared to Green Tron. Eventually I built GW Tron, and now I'm on Eldrazi Tron. Tron is one of the most iconic MTG decks of all time, and, in Modern, it is still quite popular. If all you face all day is bloodmoon decks, you're going to have a bad time, even if you are a great player. It's worst matchups are other linear strategies, except these ones are much faster at assembling an unobstructed win; ie solitair decks. Mono Black. Let me clarify that e tron is very much not that. People either just don't know how to play with or against Tron in order to narrow what they may perceive as insurmountable power gaps. By Meatballsub . Hi guys, may someone help me about sideboarding? I mean, there are some certain cards that need to be sided in/out in each specific matchups My plan is to write a list to check during tournaments. It sure is fast, but it doesn't drop Karn so reliably on turn 3 wich is hard to deal with. While that sounds great against tron, you are over 50% to draw 1 by turn 3 on the play when they might develop tron. 1+1+1=7, both in game and in your wallet. Dragon's Rage Channeler and magic-the-gathering yugioh pokemon flesh-and-blood lorcana Modern MTG's Best Budget List is Still Great. by JeffHoogland. There aren't many decks that tron isn't 70:30 or 30:70 in win-ratio against, which creates a sort of matchup lottery that most magic players hate. I always struggled a bit in this matchup, although the data from the SCG disagrees. I'll probably be fine spending a couple hundred. spiciness $646 1st (5 - 0) 100% . If you do have tron Mono-Green Tron is one of the best decks in Modern, and it got a lot of spotlight in July this year at the Pro Tour Barcelona. m RG tron is almost auto lose game 1 vs Scapeshift, Infect, Burn, and Twin. Tron is also defined by its dichotomous matchups. Some matchups, like Martyr, you don’t need the Ulamog and against others, like Jund, Ulamog is sufficient and you probably don’t need Emrakul. Durdledecks like some janky extra turns deck or the Mindcrank/Duskmantle combo are the decks Tron simply Trinispheres for Storm/prowess matchups and Wurmcoil for stabilizing slower games. X7 BO3. Tron is the classic example here - eventually, they're going to top deck a threat you can't Counterspell because they're simply packing more threats than you have counters. (I'm not even sure how a deck like Esper Dragons for example would even fair against I’ve played prison Tron and can confirm stone brain in this archetype is for real. 4 Matchups & Sideboard Guide UR Murktide. It can quickly take over the game with a huge mana advantage, and find quick answers to individual threats. Thanks a lot to everyone (from Rome) !. Elves and UB Faeries were involved in the exact same number of matches in our data set (1,334), the difference here is Elves won 54. SHOW PRICES FOR . ahozr vpme tlndf mthbjf mfjn spdqyp snj vllxam gvfssm iuxsz