Photoshop script reference anchor: The anchor point to resize around. The color profile to use. Valid only when ‘use additional plugin folder’ = true. NOTICE: All information contained herein is the property of Adobe Systems Incorporated. To access the properties and methods, you can use the pre-defined global variable app. exportAs: The type of export. eventClass: The class of the object the event is applied to, four characters or a unique string. 1. resolution: The resolution of the document (in pixels per inch) name: The name of the document. length. No part of this publication (whether in hardcopy or electronic form) add readonly: Creates and returns a new control or container object and adds it to the children of this window. Closes the document. Either a string specifying a color profile, one of the working color spaces, or Lab color. Next Previous PNG8 readonly: If true, uses 8 bits. duplicate¶. halftoneScreen readonly: If true, includes the halftone screen. addEventListener readonly: Registers an event handler for a particular type of event occuring in this window. arity readonly: The number of formal arguments. An object used to draw custom graphics, found in the graphics property of window, container, and control objects. PDF-1. PHOTOSHOPPDF readonly: PDF document produced by Photoshop. byteOrder readonly: The order in which the bytes will be read. BOTTOMRIGHT readonly: The bottom right corner of the object. I use keyboard shortcut all the time to speed up the design process such as creation of new layers etc. name readonly: The function name. coordinate: Location of the guide from origin of image. flags readonly: Gets or sets low-level debug output flags. onChange readonly: An event-handler callback function, called when the content of the element has been changed Dec 17, 2020 · そういった場合、PhotoShop Scriptを使用することでPhotoShop画面上で操作できることのほとんどの事を自動処理が可能なのです! エンジニアの方はスクリプトと聞いても普段から見慣れているため抵抗ないと思いますが、 This document provides reference details of the Photoshop object model, and additional information on AppleScript-specific features. blur readonly: The amount of blur to apply to the image to reduce artifacts. add readonly: Adds an item or separator to the choices in this list. compression readonly: Compression used on the image. descriptor: The action descriptor to play. Adobe® Creative Suite® 6 Photoshop® JavaScript Scripting Reference for Windows® and Macintosh®. height: The desired height of the image. add readonly: Adds an element. Elements Properties Elements Refer to by document name, numeric index, as a range of elements, before/ after another element, satisfying a test Description¶. jsx extension and saved in the Photoshop 2022/Presets/Scripts folder. The ActionDescriptor class is part of the Action Manager functionality. printerName¶. The alignment style for this element. Classes Photoshop Scripting Documentation Tip: The Scripting and Reference Guides are located in your "Adobe Photoshop CS3" install folder, in the "Scripting Guide" subfolder. Classes Photoshop Scripting Documentation Photoshop Scripting Reference The behavior to use to check whether to maximize compatibility when opening Adobe Photoshop (PSD) files. as: The document type (The default is to let Photoshop deduce the format). Core; Photoshop; Scriptui. anchor: The point to rotate about. 0 format. appearance readonly: If true, uses layer appearance (layer styles) settings. bounds readonly: The bounding rectangle of the entire selection. x: The X coordinate for the new point, relative to the origin of this element. BITMAP readonly: Bitmap. Works only with built-in classes. Apr 28, 2015 · How ActionDescriptor, ActionReference works, how returned object by executeActionGet(ref) is structured and how Photoshop stores actions in memory. parent readonly Jul 25, 2013 · “Adobe Photoshop CS6 Scripting Guide” (PDF), Adobe In this introductory guide to scripting for Photoshop, you’ll find the basics on getting started with scripting. Adobe® Photoshop® CC JavaScript Scripting Reference for Windows ® and Macintosh®. matte readonly: The color to use to fill anti-aliased edges adjacent to transparent areas of the image. No part of this publication (whether in hardcopy or electronic form) width: The width of the document. getByName readonly: Get the first element in the collection with the provided name. arguments readonly: The function arguments, packed into an array. bottom readonly: The vertical coordinate, a pixel offset from the origin of the element’s coordinate space. 6 %âãÏÓ 10374 0 obj ‚ ® Description¶. DocumentPrintSettings. You can supply multiple?text?values. vertical: The amount to scale the selection vertically (as a percentage). Classes. var ref = new ActionReference(); var selectedLayers = []; ref. type: The color or type of pixels to base the trim on. width: The width of the resulting document. height readonly: The height in pixels. You need to specify an extension’s type in its manifest. Classes; Enumerations Photoshop Scripting Documentation Description¶. This can be a single string, which indicates the alignment for the orientation specified in the parent container, or an array of two strings, indicating both the horizontal and vertical alignment (in that order). Classes Provides a single history state for the entire script. A single command or set of commands manipulates all layers in a layer set object. ) additionalPluginFolder readonly: The path to the additional plug-in folder. Setting this property is basically equivalent to clicking the text tool at a point in the document to create the point of origin for text. saving: Specifies whether changes should be saved before closing. You can use this feature to edit and improve your images. saveIn: The file to save to, specified as a string containing the full file path or an alias. PHOTOSHOP readonly: Photoshop format. Document activeDocument. close readonly: Closes this open file. document: The document(s) to opend. move¶. concat readonly: Returns a new array created by concatenating the given values to the end of the original array. Layer. horizontal: The amount to scale the object horizontally (as a percentage). Allows a single Description¶. Panel. pdf, The Photoshop JavaScript Reference Guide. Extension Types¶. ALL readonly: Show all dialogs. The position of the origin for the text. A group of layer objects, which can include art layer objects and other (nested) layer set objects. y: The Y coordinate for the new point, relative to the origin of this element. However, one command I feel Photoshop must have is to create a new layer below the current working layer and therefore I cannot assign it via a shortcut. COLORBALANCE readonly Adobe® Photoshop® CC JavaScript Scripting Reference for Windows ® and Macintosh®. BOTTOMCENTER readonly: The middle point of the bottom of the object. Represents the UXP module that contains the properties and methods used for scripting. Classes Photoshop Scripting Documentation reference: The reference specification of the property. Adobe® Creative Suite 2 Photoshop® JavaScript Scripting Reference for Windows® and Macintosh®. Adobe Photoshop CC AppleScript Scripting Reference AppleScript Objects 12 application The Adobe Photoshop CC application object, which contains all other Adobe Photoshop CC objects. Per the Photoshop Scripting Reference (emphasis mine): An active control is the one with keyboard focus - that is, the one that accepts keystrokes, or in the case of a Button, is selected when the user types Return or Enter in Windows, or the space bar in Mac OS. Once I verified that the pieces all worked (ie, ExtendScript was properly installed, I knew where to pla Document. Inverts the selection. A companion document, Photoshop Scripting Guide, describes basic scripting concepts and the Photoshop Photoshop Scripting & Extension Reference¶ The primary goal of this site was to combine all resources related to scripting and extending Photoshop. GRAYSCALE readonly: Grayscale. eventID: The event to play. Photoshop Scripting Reference Photoshop Scripting Documentation this property returns a reference to the corresponding layer set object. Purges one or more caches. Photoshop Scripting Reference Photoshop Scripting Documentation If true, allows users to reopen the PDF in Photoshop with native Photoshop data intact. height: The desired height of the canvas. embedColorProfile readonly: If true, the color profile is embedded in the document. pdf, The Photoshop Scripting Guide. You can also find complete script reference guides at the same place. Obtains an action descriptor. target: The caches to purge. For more details on the Action Manager, see the Photoshop Scripting Guide. toSource readonly: Creates a string representation of this object that can be fed back to?eval()?to re-create an object. big readonly: Returns a string consisting of this string enclosed in a <big> tag. BOTTOMLEFT readonly: The bottom left corner of the object. You can set the value using the index of an item, rather than an object reference. hiresTimer readonly: A high-resolution timer, measuring the time in microseconds. convertProfile readonly: Converts the document from using one color profile to using another. PICTFILEFORMAT readonly: PICT file format. com This reference describes the objects and commands in the Adobe® Photoshop® CC VBScript dictionary. This preserves the gray levels in the image and is useful for coloring monochrome images and for tinting color images. Examples and notes are provided by the community, if you would like to contribute, Open an Issue and provide an example or correction to the documentation. global readonly: A reference to the global object, which contains the JavaScript global namespace. Classes Photoshop Scripting Documentation TextItem. onActivate readonly: An event-handler callback function, called when the element acquires the keyboard focus. length readonly: The number of formal arguments. height: The height of the resulting document. parent readonly: The object’s container. vertical: The amount to scale the object vertically (as a percentage). color¶. No part of this publication (whether in hardcopy or Aug 18, 2022 · Choose File > Scripts and then select the script from the list. PHOTOSHOPEPS readonly: EPS document produced by Photoshop. You signed out in another tab or window. bounds readonly: If the Layer is a layer set, this property returns a reference to the corresponding layer set object. Opens the built-in platform-specific file-browsing dialog in which a user can select an existing file or multiple files, and creates new File objects to represent the selected files. join readonly: Joins all elements of the array into a string; optionally, each element is separated by delimiter. Photoshop Scripting Documentation¶. ERROR readonly: Show only dialogs related to errors. blendMode readonly: The mode to use when compositing an object. If false, uses 24 bits. changePath readonly: Changes the path specification of the referenced file. Classes Photoshop Scripting Documentation ILLUSTRATORPATHS readonly: Exports Photoshop paths as Adobe Illustrator files. The array of choice items displayed in the drop-down or pop-up list. deltaY: The amount to move the object vertically. width: The desired width of the canvas. PICTRESOURCEFORMAT readonly: PICT resource Photoshop Scripting Reference Photoshop Scripting Documentation The unit that the scripting system uses when receiving and returning values. Next Previous. activeDocument¶. color readonly: The color of the channel. May 24, 2023 · Refer to the scripting documentation installed in the Photoshop 2022/Scripting/Documents folder. Event Codes ¶; Name Char ID Type ID Comment; 3DTransform: TdT: 1415861280 Average: Avrg: 1098281575 ApplyStyle: ASty: 1095988345 Assert: Asrt: 1098084980 AccentedEdges allLocked readonly: If true, the layer’s contents and settings are locked. Reload to refresh your session. left: If true, trims away the left of the document. intent Layer. The scripts list includes all the script files saved with a . Static Properties¶. Name of printer. Next Previous width: The desired width of the image. The text color. Next Previous This includes The Photoshop AppleScript Reference. You can find the Scriptlistener Plug-In in Photoshop 2022/Scripting/Utilities folder. The documents are also available in electronic format (PDF) from Adobe's Photoshop Development Center Photoshop Scripting Reference Photoshop Scripting Documentation. Passed by the host when invoking scripts. The strings are concatenated into a single string, which is written in the file followed by one line-feed sequence, of the style specified by this object’s?linefeed?property. Access this array with a 0-based index. String printerName. displayDialogs: The display permissions for dialogs and alert messages. All of them can be found in the Photoshop/Scripting Guide folder (CS & CS2 versions). Next Previous Below you will find brief information for Photoshop CS5 JavaScript Scripting Reference. pdf. CMYK readonly: CMYK. pdf, and The Photoshop VBScript Reference Guide. The objects are created when items are specified on creation of the parent list object, or afterward using the list control?s?add()?method. PICTFileFORMAT readonly: PICT file format. getResourceText readonly: Finds and returns the resource for a given text string from the host application’s resource data. Document. js or . angle: The angle of cropping bounds. solid readonly: If true, the bounding rectangle a solid rectangle. The action reference object is part of the Action Manager functionality. Choose File > Scripts and then select the script from the list. Not valid for component channels. The Panel type behaves like any other application panel. Contains data describing a referenced Action. The Adobe Photoshop application object, which contains all other Adobe Photoshop objects. createPath readonly: Creates a clipping path from the outlines of the actual text items (such as letters or words). Next Previous Photoshop Scripting Reference Photoshop Scripting Documentation. This manual provides comprehensive information about the Photoshop CS5 JavaScript Scripting Reference, including its capabilities, features, and how to use it effectively. See full list on community. The selected layer. Bounds Photoshop Scripting Documentation Apr 23, 2013 · If you’re using a version of Photoshop earlier than CS5, the scripting guide is available in your Application > Photoshop > Scripting folder. Object with 4 properties, detailed below. The hostControl property is used to suspend and resume history states. There are many resources if you know where to look, but getting the big picture is sometimes difficult. PHOTOSHOPDCS_1 readonly: Photoshop DCS 1. Classes Photoshop Scripting Documentation Description¶. destinationProfile: The color profile to convert to. Sets the layer kind (such as ‘text layer’) for an empty layer. Next Previous Description¶. resolution: The resolution (in pixels per inch) resampleMethod: The downsample method. autoCount readonly: Counts the objects in the document. newFont readonly: Creates a new font object for use in text controls and titles. PLACEBEFORE readonly: Place before an element. Opens the built-in platform-specific file-browsing dialog, and creates a new File or Folder object for the selected file or folder. Allows a script to customize aspects of the element?s appearance, such as the color and font. These extension types are supported by CEP. For more information, see Adobe CEP resources. removeAll readonly: Deletes all elements. Classes Photoshop Scripting Documentation Set to null to deselect all items. For details on using the Action Manager, see the Photoshop Scripting Guide. When set with an index value, the property still returns an object reference. Classes Photoshop Scripting Documentation position: The horizontal and vertical (x,y) locations, respectively, of the color sampler. Parameters¶ deltaX: The amount to move the object horizontally. Converts the targeted content in the layer into a flat, raster image. For encoded files, writing a single Unicode character may write multiple bytes. kind readonly: The type of channel. This book contains the following sections: This introduction, which describes scripting support in Adobe Photoshop CS2, and lists changes to the AppleScript interface since the previous release. If not specified, the document is saved to its existing file. Classes Photoshop Scripting Documentation Photoshop Scripting Reference Photoshop Scripting Documentation. To obtain the number of items in the list, use items. This function works with modal and modeless extensions in all Adobe products, and panel extensions in Photoshop, InDesign, InCopy, Illustrator, Flash Pro and Dreamweaver. Core; Photoshop. The array must contain two values. BLACKANDWHITE readonly: Black and white layer. appPackage readonly: In Mac OS, a Folder object for the folder containing the bundle of the running application. alignment readonly: The alignment style for this element. anchor Photoshop Scripting Reference Photoshop Scripting Documentation. []readonly: Get an element in the collection with the provided index. Tools and documentation for building Creative Cloud app extensions with CEP - Adobe-CEP/CEP-Resources onActivate readonly: An event-handler callback function, called when the element acquires the keyboard focus. If you’re using CS6, you’ll find that this isn’t installed by default - you’ll need to download it here. onClick readonly: An event-handler callback function, called when the element has been clicked. eventFile: The script file to execute when the event occurs. blink readonly Returns a reference to the art layer that this layer is merged into. Contains the following: Used to check if the execution context has been cancelled by the client or host. encoding readonly: The type of encoding to use for the document. You signed in with another tab or window. event: The class id of the event, four characters or a unique string. DocumentPrintSettings printSettings. asSmartObject: Creates a smart object around the document. angle: The number of degrees to rotate the object. Writes a string to the file at the current position and appends a line-feed sequence. interlaced readonly: If true, rows are interlaced. This is the root of the object model, and provides access to all other objects. horizontal: The amount to scale the selection horizontally (as a percentage). PLACEATEND readonly: Place an element at the end. NOTICE: All information contained herein is the property of Adobe Inc. The file name of the current script. left readonly: The horizontal coordinate, a pixel offset from the origin of the element’s coordinate space. AUTOMATIC readonly: BICUBIC readonly: Uses a weighted average to determine pixel color, which usually yields better results than the simple averageing method of downsampling. Application. Opens the built-in platform-specific file-browsing dialog, in which the user can select an existing file or files, and creates new File objects to represent the selected files. adobe. COLORBLEND readonly: Creates a result color with the luminance of the base color and the hue and saturation of the blend color. height: The height of the document. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Save For Web supports only Compuserve GIF, JPEG, PNG-8, PNG-24, and BMP formats. Returns a substring of the given string by extracting characters from indexA up to but not including indexB. Parameters¶ Mar 31, 2019 · I wanted to experiment writing some Photoshop scripts so I downloaded ExtendScript, created a couple of very simple scripts, saved them to the script location and verified that they actually ran. action: The name of the action to play. If defined, this value overrides the alignChildren setting for the parent container. No part of this publication (whether in hardcopy or anchor readonly: Returns a string consisting of this string enclosed in a <a> tag. direction: Indicates whether the guide is vertical or horizontal. Description¶. addEventListener readonly: Registers an event handler for a particular type of event occuring in this element. mixChannels readonly Modifies a targeted (output) color channel using a mix of the existing color channels in the image. close readonly: Closes the document. “Photoshop CS6 JavaScript Reference” (PDF), Adobe This describes all of the objects and their functions and methods that you can use in scripting for Photoshop. Controls whether Photoshop displays dialogs during scripts. annotations readonly: If true, the annotations are saved. alignChildren readonly: Specifies how to align the child elements. AppleScript Oct 10, 2014 · I am a Photoshop beginner and currently use version Photoshop CS3. CHANNELMIXER readonly: Channel mixer adjustment layer. Layer move (Object relativeObject, ElementPlacement insertionLocation). You do not use the sub path item object to create a sub path. Layer activeLayer. changeMode readonly: Changes the mode of the document. No part of this publication (whether in hardcopy or appData readonly: The folder containing the application data for all users. region: Array of x and y coordinates that describe the corners of the selection, in the format [[x1, y1], [x2,y2],[x3, y3], [x4,y4]] type: The method for combining the new selection with the existing selection. SolidColor color. top: If true, trims away the top of the document. Adobe® Creative Suite® 3 Photoshop® JavaScript Scripting Reference for Windows® and Macintosh®. If set to an index value that is out of range, the operation is ignored. A record of key-value pairs for actions, such as those included on the Adobe Photoshop Actions menu. Valid only when the layer is empty and when ‘is background layer ‘ is false. formatOptions readonly: The download format to use. An array of path point info objects that describes a straight or curved segment of a path. copy readonly: Copies this object?s referenced file to the specified target location. To run a script saved in another location, choose File > Scripts > Browse and navigate to the script. bounds: The area to crop. printSettings¶. PHOTOSHOPDCS_2 readonly: Photoshop DCS 2. BRIGHTNESSCONTRAST readonly: Brightness contrast adjustment layer. The dialog mode for the document, which indicates whether or not Photoshop displays dialogs when the script runs. name readonly Description¶. SAVEFORWEB readonly: Uses the save for web export options. options: Options for the specified export type. comment readonly: The description of the layer comp. putEnumerated( // Puts an enumeration type and ID into a reference along with the desired class for the reference. histogram readonly: A histogram of the color of the channel. xml. Document print settings. Layer duplicate (Object relativeObject, ElementPlacement insertionLocation). 0 Arguments: alphaChannels readonly: If true, the alpha channels are saved. appendExtension readonly: Save files with extensions on Windows. name readonly: The name of the layer comp. exportIn: The file to export to. stringID: The ID to convert. activeLayer¶. (Note that the action name is case-sensitive and must match the name as it appears in the Actions palette. The original string is unchanged. LAB readonly: Lab. Valid only when ‘format’ = PNG. Since 6. PLACEAFTER readonly: Place after an element. Photoshop Scripting Reference Photoshop Scripting Documentation. The frontmost document. The file format to use. Converts from a string ID to a runtime ID. PICTRESOURCEFORMAT readonly: PICT resource Description¶. Opens a dialog so the user can select one or more files to open. void invert (). convertToShape readonly: Converts the text object and its containing layer to a fill layer with the text changed to a clipping path.